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I am trying to use the GRRLIB libraries with devkitpro, but im having trouble figuring out where exactly to place/do with these files. I have tried doing the "make clean all install" in the GRRLIB folder (didn't know what it meant about the directory C:\grr\trunk\GRRLIB) but the Command Prompt said:
C:\Users\Peter\Downloads\GRRLIB 4.3.1\GRRLIB>make clean all install
make: *** No rule to make target `clean'. Stop.
So where do i have to do with/place these files?
Hi farlepet, is there a file named Makefile inside your folder C:\Users\Peter\Downloads\GRRLIB 4.3.1\GRRLIB?
PS: try to give a folder name with no spaces
Thanks, actually i figured it out, i was just in the wrong sub-directory or something I knew it would be a silly mistake.