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Latest Release

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Changes (4.4.0) :
* Removed libpng, zlib, libfreetype and libjpeg from the project. These libraries should now be installed in devkitPro with pacman.
* GRRLIB and pngu are now installed into the porlibs folder instead of the libogc folder.
* Removed uint declaration. The u32 type should be used instead.
* The GRRLIB_CreateEmptyTexture() function is not inline anymore.

Changes (4.3.2) :
* libpng was updated to version 1.5.12
* zlib was updated to version 1.2.7
* libjpeg was updated to version 8d
* FreeType updated to version 2.4.10
* GRRLIB_ClampVar8 was removed from GRRLIB
* Removed warnings from GRRLIB_LoadBMF

Changes (4.3.1) :
* libpng was updated to version 1.4.4
* FreeType updated to version 2.4.3
* GRRLIB is compatible with libogc 1.8.4

Changes (4.3.0) :
* libpng was updated to version 1.4.2
* libjpeg was updated to version 8b
* zlib was updated to version 1.2.5
* FreeType 2.3.12 support (first support)
* 3D primitive drawing: torus, sphere, cube, cylinder and cone
* Light functions (diffuse, specular, spot) + ambient
* Splitted functions for rotation/translation/scaling 3d object.

Here is the list a new added samples demo code :
- 3d_light1 -> Simple Diffuse light sample code
- 3d_light2 -> Simple Lights and GRRLIB_ObjectViewInv sample
- 3d_light3 -> A little Specular light sample code
- 3d_light4 -> Spot Light Sample Code
- 3D_sample5 -> Simple demo of rotation/translation/scaling 3d object.
- ttf -> TrueType Font demo

Changes (4.2.0) :
Like the new logo announced it, GRRLIB is now 3D too !!!!!
We have done our best this time again to provide real enhancement, easy and simple new functions,
lot of new samples have been added to help you starting with GRRLIB.

* GRRLIB_CompoStart and GRRLIB_CompoEnd for real GX compositing with transparency support
* GRRLIB_Screen2Texture is now fully optimized
* First support to 3D functions
* USB_Gecko output facilities
* GRRLIB_Compose was deleted since it was not fully using GX
* GRRLIB_GetColor was deleted, the RGBA macro should be used instead
* Lot of new sample code :
- 3D_CubedTileDemo (How to use dynamic texturing)
- 3D_sample1 (A simple rotating flat cube)
- 3D_sample2 (A simple rotating textured cube)
- 3D_sample3 (A textured cube and compositing)
- 3D_sample4 (A complex object rotating)
- basic_drawing (How to use some basic GRRLIB functions)
- bitmap_fx (Effects ShowRoom)
- blending (How to use blending mode)
- compositing (A simple compositing how to)
- funsin (A gradient sinusoid dancing)
- particle (A nice particle sample code)
- template (Use this as a basis for your project)
- TileDemo (This will show you how to use tiles/tileset and map)
- unlimited2d (A faky technic for unlimited sprites)
- unlimited3d (Same as above but with 3D)

Video of the GRRLib 4.3.0 Demo Presentation (Download)

Video of the GRRLib 4.1.1 Demo Presentation (Download)

Video of the GRRLib 4.0 Demo Presentation (Download)

Screenshots of Dark Cube (Download)


Is GRRLib a good Wii library ?

Just have a look at the wii homebrews using GRRLIB to get the answer ;)
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