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I have a problem to define screen limits. I use the rmode->fbWidth and rmode->efbHeight values to get the screen size.
A lot of users of my soft report that the image do not fit the display (more than 50px in height and width !)...
I am disarmed now : I compute all my images with a ratio given with the rmode values !
Does the rmode values are the ones I should use ?
Is there a better method ?
Should I stop programming ?
Thank you for help, and thank you for this great library.
// Define
#define SCRX rmode->fbWidth
#define SCRY rmode->efbHeight
GRRLIB_Rectangle( 0, 0, SCRX, SCRY, WHITE, TRUE ); // It's ok for me, but not for the entire world :'(
rmode values are the one to use and there is no other better way to do it.
There a bunch of posts on the Wiibrew forum and here that explains this. Here is a link to most recent discussion Screen cut off edges