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Copy src texture to dst texture. Texture must be created with CreateEmptyTexture and must have same size.
void GRRLIB_CopyTex(GRRLIB_texImg* src, GRRLIB_texImg* dst) { memcpy(dst->data, src->data, (src->h * src->w) << 2); GRRLIB_FlushTex(dst); }
Convert from RGBA color to HSLA. All values from 0x00 to 0xFF
cRGB: RGBA Color
returns HSLA equivalent color
Convert from HSLA color to RGBA. All values from 0x00 to 0xFF
cHSL: HSLA Color
returns RGBA equivalent color
#define H( c ) (((c) >> 24) &0xFF) #define S( c ) (((c) >> 16) &0xFF) #define V( c ) (((c) >> 8) &0xFF) #define L( c ) (((c) >> 8) &0xFF) #define HSLA(h,s,l,a) ( (u32)( ( ((u32)(h)) <<24) | \ ((((u32)(s)) &0xFF) <<16) | \ ((((u32)(l)) &0xFF) << 8) | \ ( ((u32)(a)) &0xFF ) ) ) float max(float a, float b){ if (a > b) return a; else return b; } float min(float a, float b){ if (a < b) return a; else return b; } u32 GRRLIB_RGBToHSL(u32 cRGB){ float r= (float) R(cRGB)/0xFF; //RGB from 0 to 255 float g= (float) G(cRGB)/0xFF; float b= (float) B(cRGB)/0xFF; float maximo = max(r,max(g,b)); float minimo = min(r,min(g,b)); float delta = maximo-minimo; float h=0,s=0; float l = (maximo+minimo)/2; if (delta == 0){ //This is a gray, no chroma... h = 0; //HSL results from 0 to s = 0; } else { //Chromatic data... if (l < 0.5) s = delta/(maximo + minimo); else s = delta/(2.0-maximo-minimo); float del_R=(((maximo-r)/6.0)+(delta/2.0))/delta; float del_G=(((maximo-g)/6.0)+(delta/2.0))/delta; float del_B=(((maximo-b)/6.0)+(delta/2.0))/delta; if(r == maximo) h = del_B - del_G; else if (g == maximo) h = (1.0/3.0)+del_R-del_B; else if (b == maximo) h = (2.0/3.0)+del_G-del_R; if ( h < 0.0 ) h += 1.0; if ( h > 1.0 ) h -= 1.0; } return HSLA(h*0xFF,s*0xFF,l*0xFF,A(cRGB)); } float Hue_2_RGB(float v1, float v2, float vH){ //Function Hue_2_RGB if ( vH < 0 ) vH += 1.0; if ( vH > 1 ) vH -= 1.0; if ( ( 6.0 * vH ) < 1 ) return ( v1 + ( v2 - v1 ) * 6.0 * vH ); if ( ( 2.0 * vH ) < 1 ) return ( v2 ); if ( ( 3.0 * vH ) < 2 ) return ( v1 + ( v2 - v1 ) * ( ( 2.0 / 3.0 ) - vH ) * 6.0 ); return ( v1 ); } u32 GRRLIB_HSLToRGB(u32 cHSL){ float h= (float) H(cHSL)/0xFF; //RGB from 0 to 255 float s= (float) S(cHSL)/0xFF; float l= (float) L(cHSL)/0xFF; float var_1 = 0, var_2 = 0; float r,g,b; if (s == 0 ){ //HSL from 0 to 1 r = l; g = l; b = l; } else { if (l < 0.5) var_2 = l*(1.0+s); else var_2 = (l+s)-(s*l); var_1 = 2.0*l-var_2; r = Hue_2_RGB(var_1, var_2, h+(1.0/3.0)); g = Hue_2_RGB(var_1, var_2, h); b = Hue_2_RGB(var_1, var_2, h-(1.0/3.0)); } return RGBA(r*0xFF,g*0xFF,b*0xFF,A(cHSL)); }
void GRRLIB_BMFX_Brightness (const GRRLIB_texImg *texsrc, GRRLIB_texImg *texdest, int value)
Add a brightness value to the texsrc texture
texsrc: Texture to apply the efect
value: Brightness value to add
void GRRLIB_BMFX_Brightness (const GRRLIB_texImg *texsrc, GRRLIB_texImg *texdest, int value) { unsigned int x, y; u32 hsl; u32 color; for (y = 0; y < texsrc->h; y++) { for (x = 0; x < texsrc->w; x++) { color = GRRLIB_GetPixelFromtexImg(x, y, texsrc); hsl = GRRLIB_RGBToHSL(color); int l = L(hsl)+value; if (l>0xFF) l = 0xFF; color = GRRLIB_HSLToRGB(RGBA(H(hsl),S(hsl),l,A(hsl))); GRRLIB_SetPixelTotexImg(x, y, texdest,color); } } GRRLIB_SetHandle(texdest, 0, 0); }
In development:
Is there anyone there?
Is this forum alive?
The forum is quiet through most of the month.
Yes..... Crayon answered some questions in General Help at beginning of the month and after that forum is totally quiet.
I hope GRRLIB is not being abandoned
Two commits this month, that's not so bad :
I'm mostly just updating 3rd party libs and deletting spam on this forum. GRRLIB is not completly dead
Very good news......
I'm glad to hear it.
Last edited by wilco2009 (2011-12-01 09:05:08)