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I'm aware that this topic isn't related to GRRLIB specifically, but I thought somebody here could help me...
I'm wondering if there is a time checking function similar to GetTickCount() that worked for the Wii. I'm trying to check for a current duration of time beyond an initial event. Any ideas?
This a part of my game Wii-Tac-Toe, maybe it could help you. The code is used to make the Wii Remote rumble for a certain amount of time:
#include <unistd.h> // usleep #include <wiiuse/wpad.h> // Wiimote #include <ogcsys.h> // nanosleep #include <ogc/lwp_watchdog.h> // gettime /** * Structure to hold the rumble data. */ typedef struct _rumble_data { bool rumbeling; /**< True if Wiimote is rumbeling, false otherwise. */ u64 time2rumble; /**< Time to rumble in milisecond. */ } RUMBLE_DATA; static RUMBLE_DATA Rumble_Info[WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES]; /** * Set rumbeling time for a specific controller * @param[in] chan Controller ID * @param[in] rumble_time Time to rumble in milisecond */ void RUMBLE_Wiimote(s32 chan, int rumble_time) { Rumble_Info[chan].time2rumble = ticks_to_millisecs(gettime()) + rumble_time; Rumble_Info[chan].rumbeling = true; WPAD_Rumble(chan, 1); // Rumble on } /** * Initialize rumbeling to false */ void RUMBLE_Init() { int i; for(i = 0; i < WPAD_MAX_WIIMOTES; i++) { Rumble_Info[i].rumbeling = false; Rumble_Info[i].time2rumble = 0; } } /** * Stop rumbeling if time is elapsed */ void RUMBLE_Verify() { if(Rumble_Info[WPAD_CHAN_0].rumbeling && ticks_to_millisecs(gettime()) > Rumble_Info[WPAD_CHAN_0].time2rumble) { WPAD_Rumble(WPAD_CHAN_0, 0); // Rumble off Rumble_Info[WPAD_CHAN_0].rumbeling = false; } if(Rumble_Info[WPAD_CHAN_1].rumbeling && ticks_to_millisecs(gettime()) > Rumble_Info[WPAD_CHAN_1].time2rumble) { WPAD_Rumble(WPAD_CHAN_1, 0); // Rumble off Rumble_Info[WPAD_CHAN_1].rumbeling = false; } if(Rumble_Info[WPAD_CHAN_2].rumbeling && ticks_to_millisecs(gettime()) > Rumble_Info[WPAD_CHAN_2].time2rumble) { WPAD_Rumble(WPAD_CHAN_2, 0); // Rumble off Rumble_Info[WPAD_CHAN_2].rumbeling = false; } if(Rumble_Info[WPAD_CHAN_3].rumbeling && ticks_to_millisecs(gettime()) > Rumble_Info[WPAD_CHAN_3].time2rumble) { WPAD_Rumble(WPAD_CHAN_3, 0); // Rumble off Rumble_Info[WPAD_CHAN_3].rumbeling = false; } } /** * Waits for an amount of time in msec. * @param[in] milisec Number of milliseconds to wait. */ void msleep(unsigned long milisec) { struct timespec req = {0}; time_t sec = (int)(milisec / 1000); milisec -= (sec * 1000); req.tv_sec = sec; req.tv_nsec = milisec * 1000000L; while(nanosleep(&req) == -1) continue; }
To download the whole code go to that page: